Doggie Pumpkin Apple Birthday Cake

EEEEEE!!! I’m so excited to share this recipe with you all! Every year I whip up something for my pups to celebrate their birthdays, NEVER have I been able to create something that was worth sharing… mostly because I just put things together and dump into a the oven! haha 🙂 But.. this time I feel I found something every pup absolutely loved and came out really well!

So, it just so turns out, all my pets are born in the same month (different years), so I have the fortune of celebrating a triple birthday every February! This year, my first girl Allie turned 6, Bailey turned 3 and Lily, my cat, is 2 years old 🙂

My recipe has been inspired by


For the Cake:
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/8 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup applesauce
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1 egg

For the Frosting:
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/4 cup apple sauce
1 cups Milk Bone Biscuits (small)

For Decorations:
1 cups Milk Bone Biscuits (small)


Preheat oven to 350F
In a bowl, beat 1 egg
Add vegetable oil, apple sauce, peanut butter and pumpkin puree to the egg until fully mixed.
Add in the flour & baking soda and stir fully till its all blended
Scoop up the mix and pour into a 9 inch tart pan. The mix is likely a little thick which is fine.
Place in the oven for 30 mins (till you can smell the fresh aroma of baking apple & pumpkin)

Remove from the pan and let the cake cool on a wirerack

For the frosting, first grind the biscuits in a blender/chopper.
Add the yogurt & apple sauce and blend until you form a paste.
Pour the blended mixture into a piping bag / device and pipe along the top cooled surface of the cake !

Add the milk bones around the frosting to decorate!
Here’s how it looks before the frosting, fresh cake from the oven! Bailey couldn’t wait to get a lick in 🙂
Here it is with the frosting & milk bone decorations
Another look of the cake from the top. You can see the surface was bumpy …doesn’t really matter because I was going to apply the frosting on top.

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