Spicy Chickpea Lentils Snack

When I was making my lentils soup, I ended up soaking too much and didn’t want to make soup out of all of it. So, I set aside 1/2 cup of dried chickpea and 1/2 cup of dried black grams, and figured I’ll think of something to make with these.

Here’s literally one of the yummiest and oldest favorites from the Indian snack vault: SUNDAL 🙂 Its 100% protein with a hint of fat form the coconut and is fantastic for someone looking to snack on a Keto or Paleo diet. Takes under 5 mins to make and OMG, its been one of my favs since I was a child!


1/2 cup dried Chickpeas
1/2 cup dried Black grams
1/3 cup grated coconut
3 curry leaves
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp cumin/jeera seeds
2 green chillies
1 red chilli
2 tsp oil
Salt to taste


Soak the lentils overnight in water with a sprinkle of salt
Drain the lentils.

In a pan, heat up some oil.
Add mustard seeds till they crackle
Add jeera, red chilli, curry leaves and sautee for 1 min
Add coconut shavings and sautee for 1 min
Add chopped green chillies and sautee for 30 secs
Add drained chickpeas and lentils along with some salt
Sautee for another 1-2 mins till the lentils are fully covered with the underlying spices & coconut mix.
Garnish with cilantro and SERVE!

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