
Easy and healthy snack solution – hummus!

Took me less than 5 mins to whip up this perfectly yummy dip. IF you want to indulge a little, bring out the pita chips. If not, go for baby carrots.


1 can Garbanzo beans – drained
1/4 cup Sesame seeds
1/8 cup Sunflower seeds + Cashews
1/2 cup water
1 jalapeno
1/2 lemon squeezed
1 bunch coriander
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp Cumin poweder
1 red chili


Blend everything for 45 – 60 secs
Serve !
Garnish with smoked paprika drizzle, cilantro & 1 red chilli

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Ihtok says:

    Hi, you’ve said “2 tbsp Cumin poweder” — before I give this recipe a try, just want to confirm if its really 2 Tablespoons full ?? 🙂


  2. roomplays says:

    Gosh, thanks for catching that. No its just 1 tbsp! 🙂


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